Today, the open data portal of South Tyrol has been launched:

It currently contains about 250 data sets of various types, some of
them could be interesting for enriching/checking/completing OSM. Some
of the geografical data data is also available on the "Geokatalog"
portal specially created for the province's geodata, which has been
online for a couple of months already:

Both the Geoportal and the new Open Data portal offer most of their
data under the very liberal CC0-license which is great, as it makes
reusing the data very easy. If you use the data for mapping or other
OSM-related stuff, I'd suggest to give an attribution to the data
source, for example by linking directly to the portal.

Read more about the new portal on the following press release:

Happy mapping,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dario Zontini <>
Date: 2015-12-09 14:27 GMT+01:00
Subject: [Talk-it] Open data Alto Adige
To: openstreetmap list - italiano <>

Segnalo che oggi รจ stato inaugurato il portale Open data Alto Adige

Dario Zontini

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