Il 04/10/2009 11:48, iiizio iiizio ha scritto:
> Che livelli visualizzare lo selezioni dal + in alto a dx.
Sì, fin lì c'ero arrivato.

> Se non hai nessun colore allora non ci sono relazioni chiuse per il
> livello selezionato, altrimenti:
>   admin_level=4
> Shown in green when the relation is complet.
> admin_level=6
> Shown blue when the relation is complet. Border red when source is
> from "Cartographes Associés" (to replace, no sure about OSM license
> compatibility)
> admin_level=8
> Shown in red/orange/yellow or green when the relation is good. ( the
> choice of the color is based on the last modification of the relation
> in the DB)
>     * red : last modification in a week
>     * orange : last modification in a month
>     * yellow : last modification in three month
>     * green : last modification older than three month
Ok thanks.

 .'  `.   | Registered Linux User #443882
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