On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 19:53:47 +0100, iiizio iiizio wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Simone Cortesi <sim...@cortesi.com> wrote:
> > ciao,
> >
> > http://opengeodata.org/microsoft-imagery-details
> >
> > sono disponibili in potlatch le immagini di BING.
> >
> > è online anche il documento di "concessione", lo sto ancora leggendo...
> Ho letto giusto? Solo editor on-line? Niente Josm?

Avevo anch'io questi dubbi, poi ho trovato questo su josm-devel:

The Bing ToUs are a little awkwardly written in places. I'm going to be 
talking to their lawyer guy but two things you might query:

- "online editor" does not exclude JOSM. I've had this confirmed by a 
guy at Microsoft, they're using it in the sense of "edits an online 
resource" rather than "an app hosted only on a website"
- "non-commercial editor" means, AIUI (haven't confirmed this), they 
don't want it in saleable products like the ArcGIS extension. This might 
mean that your Bing config string has to sit in a non-GPLed file. 
Alternatively you could read "non-commercial editor" as "source code 
must always be available for a charge no more than your cost of 
physically performing source distribution", i.e. it's ok as long as 
you're not _only_ selling it (this would accord with a definition 
elsewhere in the ToU). I honestly don't know. I'll see if I can get this 

Quindi JOSM è ok. Ho passato una stringa (in canale) per usare le immagini con
JOSM, ma le tile servite, pur essendo quelle di Bing, mancano di tutte le
attribuzioni necessarie. Quindi non la passerò qui, e pregherei fradeve, buluca
e malgar di non usarla :)


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