Hi group!

I have published the development package for the CTRN-OSM-GPS map. This package contains all scripts and styles I wrote, plus some helpful bits like QGIS style files for the CTRN, and map icons. The package can be looked at and downloaded from this mercurial repository at bitbucket:


My method of converting ESRI shapefiles with ogr2osm into an intermediate representation in OSM format and then directly into a garmin map with mkgmap may interest other map-makers out there - so even if you're not from the Piedmont you may find the package interesting.

It has taken me quite a while to figure out this technique, and it can be used for any ESRI shapefile (plus other OGR-compatible data sources), uses free tools only and is entirely script-driven. The use of free tools was especially important to me - this sector has a lot of software which isn't free, or has strings attached, or the free version is crippleware... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. And to automate the whole conversion process, GUI-driven tools aren't the best choice, so doing everything with scripts is a nice solution :)

I have previously been critisized for my licensing of the CTRN-OSM-GPS map (it's CC-BY-NC-SA), even though I feel it's an appropriate license and suitable for my combined work from several sources - see


I hope my publication shows that I do not intend to keep others from emulating my work and that I want to bring forward the use of open data. Yet again, please forgive me for posting in english; if anyone feels like translating this posting, please do so, and thanks in advance!


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