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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Po Ve Sham - Muki Haklay's personal blog <>
Date: 30 June 2014 12:21
Subject: [New post] Crowdsourced Geographic Information in Government

   mukih posted: "Today marks the publication of the report 'crowdsourced
geographic information in government'. The report is the result of a
collaboration that started in the autumn of last year, when the World Bank
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery(GFD"    Respond to this
post by replying above this line
      New post on *Po Ve Sham - Muki Haklay's personal blog*
<>  Crowdsourced Geographic
Information in Government
mukih <>

Today marks the publication of the report '*crowdsourced geographic
information in government* <>'. [image:
Report] <>The report is the result of a
collaboration that started in the autumn of last year, when the World
Bank Global
Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery(GFDRR) <>
requested to carry out a study of the way crowdsourced geographic
information is used by governments. The identification of barriers and
success factors were especially needed, since GFDRR invest in projects
across the world that use crowdsourced geographic information to help in
disaster preparedness, through activities such as the Open Data for
Resilience Initiative <>. By providing
an overview of factors that can help those that implement such projects,
either in governments or in the World Bank, we can increase the chances of
successful implementations. To develop the ideas of the project, Robert
Soden (GFDRR) and I run a short workshop during State of the Map 2013
<> in Birmingham, which helped in shaping the
details of project plan as well as some preliminary information gathering.
The project team included myself, Vyron Antoniou
<>, Sofia
<>, and
Robert Soden (GFDRR). Later on, Peter Mooney
<> (NUIM) and Jamal Jokar
<> (Heidelberg)
volunteered to help us - demonstrating the value in research networks such
as COST ENERGIC <> which
linked us.

The general methodology that we decided to use is the* identification of
case studies from across the world*, at different scales of government
(national, regional, local) and domains (emergency, environmental
monitoring, education). We expected that with a large group of case
studies, it will be possible to analyse common patterns and hopefully reach
conclusions that can assist future projects. In addition, this will also be
able to identify common barriers and challenges.

We have paid special attention to* information flows between the public and
the government*, looking at cases where the government absorbed information
that provided by the public, and also cases where two-way communication

Originally, we were aiming to *'crowdsource'  the collection of the case
studies.* We identified the information that is needed for the analysis by
using  few case studies that we knew about, and constructing the way in
which they will be represented in the final report. After constructing
these 'seed' case study, we aimed to open the questionnaire to other people
who will submit case studies. Unfortunately, *the development of a case
study proved to be too much effort*, and we received only a small number of
submissions through the website. However, throughout the study we continued
to look out for cases and get all the information so we can compile them.
By the end of April 2014 we have identified about 35 cases, but found clear
and useful information only for 29 (which are all described in the report).
 The cases range from basic mapping to citizen science. The analysis
workshop was especially interesting, as it was carried out over a long
Skype call, with members of the team in Germany, Greece, UK, Ireland and US
(Colorado) while working together using Google Docs collaborative editing
functionality. This approach proved successful and allowed us to complete
the report.

You can download the full report from UCL Discovery repository
  *mukih <>* | 30 June, 2014 at
12:00 pm | Tags: crowdsourcing
<>, Disaster response
<>, government
<>, Open Data
<>, Report
<>, VGI
<>, Volunteered Geographic Information
<>, World
Bank <> | Categories: Citizen
Science <>, GIS
<>, OpenStreetMap
<>, Papers
<>, Research projects
<>, VGI
<> | URL:

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