2016-03-22 12:24 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
> Segnalo questo articolo (in inglese):
> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160211111507.htm
> La University of California ha sviluppato un nuovo metodo per calcolare la
> posizione da dati GPS, il quale dovrebbe consentire di ottenere una
> precisione di pochi centimetri senza aumentare il fabbisogno energetico.

"Farrell said these requirements can be achieved by combining GPS
measurements with data from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) through
an internal navigation system (INS). In the combined system, the GPS
provides data to achieve high accuracy, while the IMU provides data to
achieve high sample rates and high bandwidth continuously.

Achieving centimeter accuracy requires "GPS carrier phase integer
ambiguity resolution." Until now, combining GPS and IMU data to solve
for the integers has been computationally expensive, limiting its use
in real-world applications. The UCR team has changed that, developing
a new approach that results in highly accurate positioning information
with several orders of magnitude fewer computations."

Grazie Martin, molto interessante anche se non รจ spiegato come ci
siano riusciti. Speriamo venga implementato presto!


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