Hi Micheal
to what was said in the other answers I add some considerations:
- if the supporters of OpenStreetMap decide to be recognized by the
Wikimedia chapter, then they must also be active inside the chapter,
otherwise the results will be poor
- the Wikimedia chapters are very focused on the Wikimedia Foundation
products (wikipedia, wikidata, commons ...) so the energies should be
divided into measures proportional to the various objectives (and OSM
must be one of these)
- it is very difficult to focus activities effectively if you do not
have the support of an active community
- it is very important to create actions of dissemination and
contamination among the members so as to know all the products that
the association promotes

I was one of the promoters of the approach of the Italian OSM
community in Wikimedia Italia.
The association has always shown itself to support the initiative.
However, I think it is crucial that openstreetmap activists feel they
are an integral part of the association in order to achieve tangible

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