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#5701 - UN Maps: Roads around Wanlaweyn, Somalia

The Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) of the United Nations (UN) provides support to humanitarian, security and logistics activities in several areas in the World. One of these countries is Somalia where the UN established a mission, UNSOS, in November 2015 to provide critical support to the national institutions and other political partners to make them more effective in defeating enemies of peace and in creating the much-needed space for political reconciliation, state formation and extension of government authority in Somalia.

The Objective of this mapping project is to enrich the topographic data in Somalia with the aim to assist the UN mission in the country in their field endeavors, such as peace and security, navigation, and logistics by providing its peacekeepers with topographic maps that will help them in their tactical and operational activities.

Your participation is important to achieve peace and stability in Somalia!!!


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