molto interessante...

Buon anno a tutti!

Ciao Martin 

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Frederik Ramm <>
> Date: 5. January 2020 at 16:47:37 CET
> To: dev <>
> Subject: [OSM-dev] Experimental regional taginfo sites
> Happy new year!
> Following in Imre Samu's
> ( footsteps, I have used
> the past holiday season to set up a taginfo server that is supposed to
> serve daily updated taginfo data for all regional extracts routinely
> offered on the Geofabrik download server.
> It's still being tinkered with hence I'm not announcing it widely - I'd
> hope that a few of you here might want to give it a spin and tell me how
> it is working for them before it is properly "launched".
> The site is and you have to append the
> path of the region you're interested in as known from the download
> server, e.g. or
> something.
> If you do anything fancy with the URL e.g. leave off the trailing slash
> or add one where it doesn't belong, you'll get an internal server error
> ;) The same is true for situations in which I should accidentally have
> neglected to fix a hyperlink and it still points to /something instead
> of /continent/country/something.
> The map images are auto-generated from the data extent and will probably
> require some tweaking in some cases, e.g. the Australia-Oceania image
> essentially spans the globe.
> The way this works internally is that it simply runs Jochen's taginfo
> data analysis on every extract, separately, and then uses a slightly
> modified web application that is capable of handling multiple databases
> at the same time. For the non-extract-specific sources like the wiki
> extract, a shared copy is used by all regions. The regional databases
> are downloadable (e.g.
> but in contrast to Jochen's global taginfo site, these downloads are
> compressed on demand, and you can easily overload the server by trying
> to download all databases. If you want all regional databases, talk to
> me and we'll set something up.
> This is still missing a couple features, most of all some form of
> navigation between regions (currently only by manual URL manipulation).
> It also has a few issues that Imre has already encountered and fixed in
> his approach, most notably the fact that the Geofabrik extracts are not
> very precise, leading to strange artifacts like a
> "source=cadastre-dgi-fr" being prominent in Luxembourg and so on.
> Most of the changes I have made to the taginfo web site are on
>, some bits and
> pieces are still missing but will ultimately all end up there.
> Let me hear of the problems you encounter so I can fix them before
> announcing this further!
> Bye
> Frederik
> -- 
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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