Ciao a tutti,
come vedete dal messaggio sotto, al JRC abbiamo aperto una posizione per un
Trainee per lavorare sull'integrazione tra dati INSPIRE e OpenStreetMap.
Vi prego di far girare la news tra i vostri contatti (soprattutto
universitari/accademici) e naturalmente di farmi qualsiasi domanda in caso
siate interessati.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Marco Minghini <>
Date: mer 7 ott 2020 alle ore 12:40
Subject: Trainee position at the European Commission - JRC
To: <>, OSM-Science <>

Dear all,
the Digital Economy Unit of the European Commission Joint Research Centre
(JRC) has opened a position for a trainee to join the team working on the
implementation of INSPIRE. The trainee will investigate the possible
synergies between the INSPIRE [1] and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data ecosystems
in the frame of the Green Deal [2] data space and the high-value datasets
of the Open Data Directive [3], including the feasibility of developing an
OSM encoding for INSPIRE data. The trainee will also assess the pros and
cons of the transformation, technical and organisational barriers and
challenges encountered, as well as usability issues solved. Deadline for
application is *29/10/2020*.

Candidates shall be very familiar with geospatial data formats/standards
and the OpenStreetMap project. They shall have a Masters/PhD degree, or be
enrolled in a PhD degree or in the final year of a Masters degree in
Geoinformation Science, Geomatics, Computer Science, or a related

More information, including links to the full vacancy description and the
application page, is available at [4].

Please share this invitation with potentially interested people.

Best regards,




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