Dear OSM friends in Japan,

  forgive me for writing in English, my Japanese isn't very good ;)

I have recently encountered a very large forest multipolygon relation that comes from the KSJ import.

The forest polygon generated from relation #1337942 has about 450,000 nodes. It is by far the largest relation anywhere in OpenStreetMap, and none of our editors can open it without crashing or freezing. If you try to download that relation from the API, you will get a timeout message!

I would like to suggest that I split up that relation into a number of smaller ways or relations. I have written a tool that lets me do that; here is a screenshot from JOSM:

The script would leave the nodes untouched, and only modify ways and relations, to split the forest into smaller squares. After that, it would again be easy to modify the forest in an editor if necessary.

Are there any objections to this from the Japanese community?


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