Some big news, as part of the Japan highway realignment, we just finished
Tokyo and now the Nagoya project is available:

Also for those following the OSM dairies, there are a couple of Japan
related posts which would be great to have translated for the benefit of
the Japanese readers:

   - https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/pratikyadav/diary/36280
   - https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/PlaneMad/diary/36262

If there is someone experienced with English > Japanese translation, do get
in touch. It would be great to collaborate on content that can help build
more interest in OSM in Japan and grow the community.

PS: Google translate is horrible goo.gl/hLJuvN :)

Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Planemad>
Talk-ja mailing list
