I agree on this assessment of Telegram as a platform. However, it is very useful as a low-entry barrier place for casual discussion, quick question and dialogue type conversation that are harder in email, that requires a style that resembles more a letter exchange.

The mailinglist is the place where anything consensus forming is and will be taking place. It is also better for more complex issues.

The Telegram group is not meant as a replacement, but rather a complement to the mailinglist. Yes that fragments the discussion in smaller groups, but I think that's something we can live with. More problematic would be if discussion only takes place in a meduim that is unknown tou younger users and seems overly complicated and difficult to set up. Because let's face it: email only is a comfortable medium if you know what an email client is and you can use automatic filters, thread-view, etc. Mailinglists are another abstraction on top of this that the pokemon generation is not comfortable with. I don't even try to read the 19 mailinglists I am subscribed to on a mobile device, While it's entertaining to read the Telegram chat on a phone.

my 2 ct.


On 2017년 10월 26일 13:20, Andrew Errington wrote:

Regarding the osmKorea group on telegram.me <http://telegram.me> I think it should not be promoted for two reasons.  Firstly, it seems that the messages can only be seen with the Telegram app.  They are not visible on a webpage therefore no-one can read any discussion or contribute without the app.  Secondly, the OSM community in Korea is small.  Not many people are subscribed to this list (Talk-ko) and using Telegram will fragment discussions further.  I suppose there is a third reason, and that is the most popular chat program in Korea is Kakao Talk.

In summary, I support changing ko_rm to ko-Latn, but I don't support using Telegram for discussion.

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