Olá a todos,
For every major activation we take care, we have this same problem. Many remote 
contributors  trace roads. Then, we have to take care of the classification of 
the road, and this is a diffucult task  and time consuming task.
Working for Mali, last year, there was no classification available and we saw 
major roads that were unpaved an in very bad condition after the rainy season. 
People from the north classified all of these as tracks.  I then proposed the 
Africa highway classification. The highway tag is to classify the 
socio-economic importance of the road, its usage This has nothing to do with 
the surface, structure, width or condition of the road, except that there is a 
distinction between a motorway and a highway. There are other tags to take 
account of the surface and the 

 This classification has been quite adopted. But unfortunately, the developpers 
of the HOT/HDM Humanaitarian style refuse to follow this Then an unpaved 
primary road looks like a track and we complety loose the hierarchy 
classification. This is the "Bad condition rule" (:
In Brazil, there is surely differences also bettween the urbanized and the 
remote areas, for example in the Amazone area. If you adopt rules based on the 
surface or condition of the road, this might be good for urbanized areas but 
inappropriate for rural areas. 

In urban areas, It is surely uneasy to hierarchize the roads. And yes, they 
cannot be all tertiary. A tertiary road should have more traffic then 
residential area. This is a road to interconnect to the global network.
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