> http://www.maposmatic.org kepa miest? ?em?lapius su gatvi? indeksu i?
> OSM duomen?.  Deja, Vilniaus ten pasirinkti nepavyksta.  FAQ sako:
>   MapOSMatic uses the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database and will accept to
>   render cities based on their name only if a few criteria are met.
>   First, the name requested has to be close to that of a way known to
>   the OSM database: we use the Nominatim service for that. Moreover, the
>   OSM entry associated with that way has to be tagged with admin_level=8
>   and boundary=administrative. So, if you see a result that corresponds
>   to what you're looking for but you are not allowed to select it, then
>   it most probably means that it does not meet the previous criteria in
>   the OSM database. To be able to select these results, you or an OSM
>   contributor will have to update the OSM database.
>   You can find more information about these tags on
>   http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:admin_level.
> Kaip ten yra su tom administracin?m ribom?  Tas wiki puslapis sako, kad
> Lietuvoje 8 lygis nenaudojamas, ir apskritai ten miestai n?ra minimi,
> tik savivaldyb?s ir seni?nijos.
> Marius Gedminas
> --
> Unix gives you enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot.

Pagal pdxx pasiūlymą(dar iki birželio 24), Vilnius buvo pažymėtas
admin_level=6, o jo seniūnijos admin_level=8. Birželio 24d. pdxx pakeitė
siūlymą, bet jokio aptarimo negirdėjau...
Aplamai Lietuvoje didieji miestai turi savivaldybės statusą, kaip ir
rajonai, dėl to juos žymėti admin_level=8 nepakaktų.


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