On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 12:06 +0200, Marc Kessels wrote:
> I have updated the source, since it was experiencing a stack overflow,
> due to too many nodes with similar names. as a side effect, it is now
> also much faster (only 7 minutes to convert the compete dataset of The
> Netherlands). 
> see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/AND_Data/Import_Marc
> greetz,
> Marc

I had a go at converting the data using your tool and then loading it
into my local Mapnik renderer to generate some maps. At low zooms the
data looks great however getting in close shows up several flaws. See
the screenshot http://www.jburgess.uklinux.net/osm-and-water2.png

* It looks like the aggregation of a road either side of a junction into
a single way is not working properly. 

Below is the OSM data for part of "Tweede Helmersstraat" near the bottom
left of my screenshot where the two ways should be joined at "AND NODE
215559" but for some reason they appear as 2 distinct ways.

The problem may be with nodes -748116 and -748858 which appear at the
same location. Shouldn't the code detect this and re-use the node?

        <way id="-247934" >
        <tag k="AND_FROM_NODE" v="215559" />
        <tag k="AND_TO_NODE" v="215358" />
        <tag k="external-ID" v="AND=15216313" />
        <tag k="oneway" v="+1" />
        <tag k="highway" v="unclassified" />
        <tag k="name" v="Tweede Helmersstraat" />
                <seg id="-500511" />
                <seg id="-500512" />

        <way id="-248207" >
        <tag k="AND_FROM_NODE" v="215795" />
        <tag k="AND_TO_NODE" v="215559" />
        <tag k="external-ID" v="AND=15216586" />
        <tag k="oneway" v="+1" />
        <tag k="highway" v="unclassified" />
        <tag k="name" v="Tweede Helmersstraat" />
                <seg id="-500979" />

        <segment id="-500511" from="-748116" to="-748117" />
        <segment id="-500512" from="-748117" to="-748118" />
        <segment id="-500979" from="-748857" to="-748858" />

        <node id="-748116" lat="52.36465" lon="4.87714" >
        <node id="-748117" lat="52.36499" lon="4.87851" >
        <node id="-748118" lat="52.36504" lon="4.87863" >
        <node id="-748857" lat="52.36426" lon="4.87596" >
        <node id="-748858" lat="52.36465" lon="4.87714" >

* Some of the water areas look like they are not correct and often have
a triangular section where two distant points connect. I think similar
artifacts are in the osmarender output on the web page so I think this
is a genuine problem. This could be triggered by the previous problem if
areas are not being output as a single complete way.


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