Just a quick note to everyone that the AND import is running and is
expected to take about 10 days at current speed. If people could
refrain from editing objects in the area (The Netherlands) that would
be appreciated. We've gone to special effort to not create things
beyond the borders.

Because of the delay, over the next week Netherlands is going to look
rather empty if you render it, so people, please don't do any rerender
requests in the area for the time being if you can manage it.

In fact, just be patient. There's going to be nothing much to see
until the last day or two. But when it's there it's going to look
great. It is taking longer than we hoped but the server is busy these
days :)

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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