
el año pasado participamos de esta GeoWeek organizando una actividad en el Callao [1] y creo que los compas de Mapbox en Ayacucho hicieron lo mismo allá. Para este año estamos pensando en lanzar también una actividad, y uno de los temas que hemos venido trabajando los últimos meses ha sido el de Accesibilidad, por lo que me gustaría proponer esta cuestión para esta edición.

En el grupo de telegram también vimos que habia posibilidad de organizar algún evento en Arequipa, con lo que si desde Ayacucho también repiten tendríamos 3 sedes descentralizadas de actividades. Quizá podríamos ver un objetivo común también, más allá de lo que se haga cada cual en su territorio. ¿alguien más se anima a participar?


[1] http://nomadas.ourproject.org/mapping-raymi-cdlr-osmgeoweek/

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto:         OSM GeoWeek
Fecha:  Tue, 11 Oct 2016 20:56:38 +0000
De:     Levine, Rachel <rachel.lev...@redcross.org>
Para:   Gertin, Thomas J <gerti...@state.gov>

Dear Mappers,

Happy Tuesday and I hope this email finds you well. My name is Rachel and I work with the International GIS Team at the American Red Cross. We wanted to reach out and say a big thank you for your participation in last year’s OSM Geography Awareness Week (GeoWeek) events! Last year, in partnership with MapGive <http://mapgive.state.gov>, YouthMappers <http://www.youthmappers.org>, Peace Corps, and many more, there were 94 eventsin 32 countriesheld and we can't wait to see what the community can accomplish this year!

OSM GeoWeek calls on teachers, students, community groups, governments, private sector organizations, and map-lovers around the world to come together to celebrate geography and make maps with OpenStreetMap, the free and openly editable map of the world. The purpose of this event is to actively contribute to OpenStreetMap. This year, OSM GeoWeek will be held during the week of November 14th. OSM GeoWeek presents a great opportunity for students and colleagues alike to participate in something both meaningful and fun just before final exams. As you know, participants don’t need any special expertise, just basic computer skills. Please see http://osmgeoweek.org/for more information on this year’s events. We would love to see your school represented again during OSM GeoWeek!

One of the projects that my team supports is the Missing Maps project - a joint effort founded by the American Red Cross, British Red Cross, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and Doctors Without Borders (MSF-UK). The objective of Missing Maps is simple: to map the most vulnerable places in the developing world so that local and international NGOs, communities, and individuals can use the maps and the data to better prepare for and respond to crises affecting the areas. The project seeks to literally and figuratively put people, and their communities, on the map. Missing Maps takes an open, collaborative, and community-based approach and is powered by the enthusiasm and hard work of digital/remote volunteers both in the US and abroad. Please see http://www.missingmaps.org/for more information. Since the project started in 2014, over 13,500 volunteers have participated, collectively putting 20.5 million people on the map in OSM. We would love your help in helping this number to grow! To learn more about hosting a mapathon please see http://www.missingmaps.org/host/.

We hope you can join us again this year! Please share this invitation with your colleagues

and networks, and especially students. If your organization would like to participate again this year, our team and the OSM and Missing Maps network can provide you with the information and materials needed to host a successful mapathon. If located in the US, we can even send you a box of swag! Please let me know if you have any additional questions and I look forward to hearing back from you!

All the best and happy mapping,

Rachel Levine

(on behalf of the OSM Institutions Group and the Missing Maps Partnership)

*Rachel Levine*
GIS Operations and Training Coordinator
International Services | American Red Cross
240-535-4892 | skype: rachblevine
Talk-pe mailing list

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