Just a request to the would be Bounty Mapper in Boracay:
Please make a brief write-up on how you did it.  This would be a good
case study for other orgs/company wanting specific areas included in

Good luck and enjoy!

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Mike Collinson <m...@ayeltd.biz> wrote:
> At 02:18 PM 19/02/2009, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
>>I'll do some research to get a rough estimate on how long it will likely take 
>>to map the whole of Boracay so we'll know what travel package to get (3D 2N? 
>>or 4D 3N?). I remember it taking me about an hour to walk the whole stretch 
>>of White Beach so it will probably take a whole day just to map out the White 
>>Beach properties.
> It took me 2 1/2 energetic days to collect the data for the original OSM 
> Boracay map - which I think is still pretty much everything you see bar some 
> new side roads and tracks.  Exclusively on foot with two motorbike taxi 
> rides.  That included location and digital photo of every hotel, main tourist 
> points (ferry, Mount Luho, Bat Cave ...), most restaurants and most 
> tourist-oriented shops.  I'd add another day if you need to go into the 
> hotels to get contact info.  Or you can cut some time off by hiring a bicycle 
> - I believe there was a place in the D'Mall area, I'll check and add it if I 
> have time.
> FYI, I've contributed the hotel locations and tourist points already; the 
> rest was for a potentially-commercial project but I may release it later.
> Mike
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