
Sorry for the appeal (not entirely osm related)

The next phase for my osm sub-project OSM-PH GPS map, is to create
custom icons and other styles for the map.  I am currently compiling
and creating several icons for this.

What I want is to create custom icons for Philippine POIs with the
following this basic guide:
 - very simple and easily recognizable on small screens
 - size 16 by 16 pixels
 - for commonly used icons (i.e. Parking), it should conform to
international conventions
 - brand neutral (shell, petron and caltex will use the same icon)

Several icons in my wishlist are:
 - bank with a Peso sign
 - toll booths
 - gate
 - cave_entrance
 - different icons for grocery, supermarket, shopping mall, convenience
 - vulcanizing :)
 - various public buildings

If anyone is interested to contribute (any Illustrator/Inkscape expert
here?), I (desparately) need your help.
If you intend to donate your own icons, I would like to request you to
explicitly allow a "Public Domain" license.  This way, we can release
the full icon set and allow others to use it.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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