
Yes this is a nifty tool.  I am experimenting on this one for a couple
of weeks now generating contours (10 meter interval) for garmin
devices.  So far I was able to generate the whole Philippines from
SRTM.  Anyone who wants one I can give it.  The problem is, it is a
.NET based apps (with dependencies on cgpsmapper).  I had mixed
results before with using mono so I had to use a virtualbox for
groundtruth to work easily.  Moreover, free cgpsmapper doesn't support
road routing so I had to use mkgmap for roads while groundtruth for
contour generation which is OK since you had to generate garmin
contours only one.

Make sure you have a lot of RAM and disk space allotted for your vbox
to produce the whole Philippine contour.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Jim Morgan <j...@datalude.com> wrote:
> Hi All.
> Been a bit quiet recently as I went off to UK and France for a couple of 
> weeks. Just got back in the middle of the typhoon, and have been catching up 
> with work since then.
> Anyway today I had a bit of spare time, and found myself browsing the OSM 
> site. I found some software called GroundTruth which looked interesting, so I 
> thought I'd share it.
>        http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GroundTruth
> It will apparently make Garmin maps of a given area. It will also make maps 
> in image format as well, like the OSM export function. However, what I found 
> interesting, is that you can play with the way it renders the data, by using 
> a Map Rules file. The examples given on the wiki are for eg driving maps, 
> cycling maps, hiking maps, and you can choose whether or not to include 
> contour data etc. But you can also write your own map rules files, so you can 
> customise how the data displays to your own taste. There are a few user 
> examples of this as well.
> It seemed like worth mentioning, as a couple of questions on the list this 
> year have been related to this custom rendering function. I don't have a use 
> for it right now, but I'm thinking ...
> Jim
> --
>   datalude: information security
>   e: j...@datalude.com
>   Philippines: +63 2 403 1311 / mob: +63 920 912 5830
>   Hong Kong: +852 6840 6693
>   w: http://www.datalude.com/
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