On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I joined the Typhoon Ondoy Google Groups
> (http://groups.google.com/group/typhoonondoy) and brought up the OSB map and
> the use of OSM tiles as an alternative layer for areas where Google Maps is
> poor (like Laguna).
> Anyway, check out this interface they developed incorporating OSM Mapnik
> tiles as another layer to the default Google Maps tiles.
> http://www.google.com/maps/mpl?moduleurl=http://sugo-katta.appspot.com/neoMapplet35.xml
> The discussion there is centering towards aggregating all the disparate data
> into a unified repository of sorts. This will include rescue, relief,
> rehabilitation, and rebuilding data.

Nice!  The interface looks cool.  But I can't seem to get it working.
I tested submitting reports but I can't add an address nor a point.
There are no reports generated (probably my poor internet connection).
 A couple of questions:
1. Do I need a google account to submit reports?
2. Is it possible to "close/fix" a report?

Other than that, the design is excellent especially when we can
aggregate other info.  A major plus factor to google is the aerials,
even when there is no roads we can at least pinpoint a location by
looking at the imagery.

(You don't need 6.5 B PHP to do this btw, pun intended)

> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Received the message below from MapAction .. major kudos, plus requests
>> for data, if there's any possibility of collecting it.
>> ----- Forwarded Message ----
>> From: Andrew Smith
>> Subject: RE: Philippines
>> Hi Mikel,
>> Thanks for your email.
>> The OSM data has been fantastic - please pass on our congratulations and
>> thanks to the OSM Philippines team.
>> There is a big need for roads data outside Metro Manila, in particularly
>> in
>> Region III and Region I. The Provinces of La Union, Pangasinan, Tarlac and
>> Pampanga are the worst hit by Pepeng/Parma.
>> Additionally there is the need for the current road status throughout all
>> of
>> the above areas, all the western edge of Laguna De May (see the AOI map
>> attached - this was made for a different purpose, but suffices for this.)
>> There is GIS officer from WFP/Logs Cluster arriving soon, so I will
>> mention
>> your interest and OSM PH's efforts to them. Longer term they would be the
>> people on the international side of thing who will be wanting to know
>> about
>> roads.
>> If you've not already found it, you may be interested in the Typhoon Ondy
>> Google Group:
>> http://www.google.com/landing/typhoon-ondoy.html
>> We have been in contact with them. They have setup a crowd-source mapping
>> effort with some success - helped by the fact that they have some Google
>> alumni amongst their numbers, meaning that they where for a while on the
>> www.google.com.ph landing page. There are quite a lot of other crowd
>> source
>> efforts about and they are now attempting to aggregate them. They have
>> been
>> after roads and road status data recently. I'd recommend you and/or OSM PH
>> introducing themselves on that list.
>> The boundaries are a definite no I'm afraid. This was given to us by
>> GeoData
>> (www.geodata.com.ph) the local ESRI supplier - under a use but don't share
>> arrangement. The other publicly available boundary data was a bit of a
>> mess
>> I'm afraid.
>> Best wishes,
>> Andy
>> Andy Smith - Philippines Field Team
>> MapAction (www.mapaction.org)
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