‘Christmas lanes’ to ease holiday traffic / MMDA to utilize side
streets as alternate routes‘



I hate 'reading' instructions while on a stop&go driving (trying to
find my way out of a traffic gridlock); or trying to punch-in data on
the tiny keyboard on my gpsr, in search for an auto-routing
destination (while already in motion).

Before I lose this article, I think i'll get a highlighter-pen and
just draw over the above suggested routes on my favorite paper
city-map. Coz my brain keeps on forgetting the 'alternates';
unconsciously going into an auto-pilot-mode, always driving towards my
favorite 'longer & slower' roads like a magnet. And before I know it,
I'm stuck in traffic again.

The highlighted compilation of 'short-cut roads' all over the
metropolis may serve as visual reminder from time to time, and may
come in handy even after Christmas is over :-)

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