a beta app to use geocoded tweets to add data to osm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Oleg <gel...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:03 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] OSM Emitter
To: t...@openstreetmap.org
Cc: Max Shytikov <mshyti...@gmail.com>

Hi All

Seems like this is a good place to tell about a new way to add places
to the map. There is a lot of people who use twitter actively with
their mobile phones, which has a gps on board. Now you can use
location-based tweets to add POIs to the map :)
The project just started and we plan to improve it using some beer and
Thursday's nights ;) We're open for discussion and want to turn this
service into really helpful and funny tool.

Check it out: http://osmitter.com

Have a fun!
Oleg & Max
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