
The Philippines are now covered:


The GeoRSS feeds available are the ones indicated by Maning:
- from Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) 2.0 Citizen
Interactive Portal [1]
- from PhilippineDisasterWatch [2]
- from One For Iligan [3]

The data is as of Dec 20, 0 h. Now going to start minutely updates,
which will take some time to catch up.

Tracks are currently rendered in the same way than in the OSM.org Mapnik

Federico has suggested rendering some tracks with two dashed lines (===)
instead of one (---), for Colombia [4]. This would require at least an
extra layer in the mapnik style sheet. What do you think? Would this
also be appropriate in the Philippines?

(My first though was that it is better to have two independent
attributes: highway=* to reflect importance in the road grid, and
surface=* for the physical surface. I think that there may have been
cases where using track was a way to get unpaved surface to render. This
might not be necessary now, but it might still be desirable to keep some
compatibility with OSM.org Mapnik rendering.)

Best wishes,


[1] http://ereport.dswd.gov.ph/
[2] https://philippinedisasterwatch.crowdmap.com/
[3] http://www.oneforiligan.com/

Le 21/12/2011 02:59, maning sambale a écrit :
> Are tracks rendered?  By default, we map unpaved roads as tracks if we
> are unsure of the category by purpose.
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 3:55 AM, Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> This is great!
>> Suggestion: highlight the unpaved roads ... the rendering is very subtle
>> now. I'd like to be able to look at a city, and at a glance, get a sense of
>> where the unpaved roads are.
>> == Mikel Maron ==
>> +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
>> ________________________________
>> From: Jean-Guilhem Cailton <j...@arkemie.com>
>> To: HOT <h...@openstreetmap.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 10:11 AM
>> Subject: [HOT] "OpenUnpavedStreetMap", "South continents", Colombia, soon
>> Philippines
>> Hi,
>> Knowing whether a road is paved or not is an important information for a
>> driver, especially in countries where many roads are unpaved. This
>> information can be entered in the OSM database with the surface tag [1],
>> but it is not currently rendered in the main maps available on osm.org
>> [2]. Seeing it rendered on a map would likely be an incentive for
>> mappers to use it, especially beginners.
>> A map with a rendering for this, OpenUnpavedStreetMap, is now available
>> for Africa, Central and South America, Australia-Oceania (according to
>> Geofabrik's definition, which includes Indonesia and Malaysia), and soon
>> several Asian countries, including the Philippines (actually the
>> countries available as extracts from GeoFabrik, China, India, Pakistan,
>> Vietnam, etc.except Japan - considering dataset size). Surfaces tagged
>> as "compacted", "gravel", "sand", "dirt", "earth", "ground", "grass",
>> "mud"... are also considered as "unpaved", following the wiki page.
>> Examples from areas that may be of interest on this list:
>> - Port-au-Prince, Haiti:
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/haiti/?zoom=17&lat=18.60871&lon=-72.28598&layers=B0
>> - Kigali, Rwanda:
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/?zoom=16&lat=-1.95416&lon=30.08243&layers=B000F
>> - one of the examples given by Douglas, in Kampala, Uganda:
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/?lat=0.38093&lon=32.55812&zoom=18&layers=00B0T
>> - A page for Colombia, with markers for the GeoRSS feed from la Sala de
>> Situación Humanitaria Colombia:
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/colombia/
>> Following Humberto's suggestion, flood_prone areas are also rendered
>> ("flood_prone=yes" or "flood_prone=label"):
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/colombia/?zoom=16&lat=10.39717&lon=-75.15048&layers=B000FT
>> Following a suggestion from Federico, and a need that had also appeared
>> for Haiti, next step should be rendering of POIs relevant for
>> emergencies, such as health facilities, at lower zoom levels.
>> The global URL is:
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/
>> OSM.org Mapnik layer is in the menu for easy comparison on the current
>> area. A "hybrid map for mappers" - and for soon-to-be mappers who can
>> see what might be missing on the map ;) - is available by overlaying a
>> transparent version of OpenUnpavedStreetMap with Bing aerial imagery.
>> Google satellite imagery is also available as a reminder, by comparing
>> imageries location, that it is often advised to adjust Bing offset
>> before tracing.
>> The database is updated at least daily, and minutely for the next days,
>> after the new coverage will have been imported.
>> Tiles are available from
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm_tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png
>> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm_transparent_tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png
>> The current bandwidth is limited, but if you are interested, let me know.
>> Let me know what you think, and if there are features that would be
>> interesting for a custom rendering.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jean-Guilhem
>> [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:surface
>> [2] http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/1447
>> --
>> gpg 0x5939EAE2
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