Nice! May I ask the unit of the Y-axis or is it the rate of increase?

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:49 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar <>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> The link above depicts a line graph showing the data growth since
> 2010-11-25, about 2 ⅓ years ago. As you can see, since the late 2010, we
> have tripled the number of nodes, almost quadrupled the number of ways,
> nearly tripled the raw XML file size, and increased the length of roads by
> almost 2.5 times.
> And we still have not yet exhausted the Bing imagery especially since
> they've been updating their imagery almost every quarter. So there's still
> plenty of room to grow!
> To show how far we are from a really comprehensive data, here's a recent
> visualization showing where in the world we have data tiles (in PBF format)
> that are more than 32MB in size:
> As you can see, the Philippines is at zoom level 5 while places like in
> Germany are up to zoom level 10.
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:00 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar <>wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Here's a 1st quarter update of the basic OSMPH data stats (as of the
>> April 1, 2013 Philippine extract). The % increase is in comparison to the
>> start of 2013:
>> OSM XML file size: 857 MB    (5.7% increase)
>> # Nodes: 4,400,022    (6.2% increase)
>> # Ways: 436,511    (4.8% increase)
>> # Relations: 2,921    (2.3% increase)
>> Total length of highways: 133,692 Km   (4.9% increase)
>> Keep it up guys!
>> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 4:15 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar <>wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Here's a new year update of the basic OSMPH data stats (as of the
>>> January 1, 2013 Philippine extract). The % increase is in comparison to the
>>> start of 2012:
>>> OSM XML file size: 811 MB    (47% increase)
>>> # Nodes: 4,143,313    (49% increase)
>>> # Ways: 416,626    (47% increase)
>>> # Relations: 2,855    (61% increase)
>>> Total length of highways: 127,489 Km   (47% increase)
>>> And the following is a comparison of the increase in amount of data
>>> within 2011, and the increase within 2012:
>>>                                     2011             2012
>>> OSM XML file size:        +226 MB       +261 MB
>>> # Nodes:                       +1,251,032    +1,363,521
>>> # Ways:                        +156,718      +132,364
>>> # Relations:                   +1,131          +1,079
>>> Total length of highways: +26,825 Km  +40,695 Km
>>> Keep it up guys!
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