Hi guys,

Some of you may know about OpenStreetBugs:

It's a 3rd-party website where people can easily submit bug reports on the
map. For example: "this building no longer exists". For mappers, it's also
a quick way of placing notes and things to do in case you don't have time
right now to do some map editing.

Many OSM developers have been hard at work in bringing OpenStreetBugs'
functionality to the OSM website and they have now put it up live! The
feature is now called Notes.

Here's an example of a note: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?note=175

You can add a note by zooming into an area then clicking the "Add a note"
link on the bottom-right corner of the map.

You can view all the notes on the map by hovering your mouse pointer over
the layer selector on the top-right corner of the map and then ticking the
"Browse Notes" checkbox.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) all the data from OpenStreetBugs was not
(yet?) imported into the main OSM website.

Have fun adding notes!
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