On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton
<jg_cail...@volunteers.cartong.org> wrote:
> Here is a map of typhoon eye track, created by Pierre Lorioux of
> CartONG, currently intern at ICRC :

This map seems to correspond to the reported damages by local media,
although many areas are still inaccessible.
Reports from local media is slowly coming in and it is not very good
news. Some reports estimates the death toll to exceed 10K.

While Haiyan/Yolanda is now out of the Philippines, there is new low
pressure brewing in the Pacific [0] which could exacerbate the
situation in many affected areas.

Right now, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) the
major government agency organizing the relief is using OSM as the
basemap for its Disaster Situation Map [1].

Please continue working on the current tasks, we will create new tasks
as we get additional request from local responders.
IMO, priorities should focus on:
- access - roads and bridges
- presence of settlements - landuse=residential should be sufficient

[1] http://disaster.dswd.gov.ph/maps.php

PS. I went to Tacloban just this year to talk about FOSS4G and OSM for
DRR.  My visit in some ways, sparked the interest of local NGOs, GIS
users and government employees to start contributing to OSM.  These
are the areas you may have noticed to be well-mapped road-wise.  Some
of these mappers live in the mostly devastated areas.  I tried to
contact a few but haven't heard from any of them since the Yolanda
made landfall in Tacloban.  Still hoping they are safe.

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