New task for Carles here:
Details below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Banick, Robert" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 11:34:27 +0000
Subject: [HOT] Typhoon Haiyan Tracing -- Please Assist
To: "" <>

Hello HOT Community,

Hello from Tacloban. Recovery work for Typhoon Yolanda is gathering
steam in the Philippines and with it the need for highly detailed
data. I'm here working with the REACH Initiative to conduct a rapid
shelter assessment which will be used to inform shelter reconstruction
planning for the entire recovery operation. In the course of these
surveys we're testing the accuracy of damage assessments conducted
through OSM and developing methodologies to join relevant survey data
to OSM map features.

One of the municipalities selected for assessment is Carles on the
northeasten tip of Panay. We're hoping to use OSM to better plan the
logistics and administration of our assessment surveys and in turn
generate more useful data for OSM. If possible we'll obtain
post-disaster imagery and set up a separate task to crowd source
damage assessments that we can validate in the field.

We need your help to get this done in time. Our assessment will be
happening later this week, most likely Friday, so we need the
community's help to trace the relevant data in time. If you have the
time and inclination, please take a cell or 20 and chip in. If the
data is good enough it will be used by humanitarian responders.

Many thanks to all of you for the time and effort you've given so far.
GIS folks in the field are all raving about the quality and
thoroughness of the data that OSM provides to this response.


Robert Banick | Field GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì
American Red Cross<>
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202-303-5017 | Cell 202-805-3679 | Skype robert.banick

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

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