Hi Mark

JOSM is very powerful with various plugins, features. The Mappaint 
functionality gives the opportunity to use a mapcss stylesheet to color various 
objects.  Hjart contributor provides a Damaged buildings Mapcss Style that is 
specific for editing for the typhoon. This is very useful when reviewing the 
building status. Every time a buildings is tagged with typhoon:reviewed=yes, it 
will be colored in green. This make it a lot easier to review all the buildings 
in a task, since all the buildings reviewed will be colored differently.

To use this style, you need to select it in the Prerences. To do so:
Select the Modify link in the Top menu, and then Preferences.  In the list of 
button on the left panel, Select the third button (ie. Grid over WorldMap). 
Select the  Mappaint Tab.
In the list of Styles available, Select Collapsed / Damaged buildings and click 
validate to terminate.

In the Editor window, among the right panels, you should see the Mappaint Tab 
where Collapsed / Damaged buildings Mappaint Style will be active.  If you dont 
see the Mappaint Tab, you will have to select it from the list of available 
features in the left panel.

From there you should find edting easier. For every building where you add 
typhoon:reviewed=yes, you should see it colored in green.


 De : Mark Cupitt <markcup...@gmail.com>
À : maning sambale <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> 
Cc : "Banick, Robert" <robert.ban...@redcross.org>; osm-ph 
Envoyé le : Jeudi 19 décembre 2013 23h23
Objet : Re: [talk-ph] [HOT] New Task: Carles Post-Disaster Tracing

Hi Maning, I have one more dumb question (yes, I know, I need to attend a 
workshop :)   ) Is there a way to visually show which polys (ie houses) have 
been edited? (To keep track of whathas been done)




Mark Cupitt

"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"

See me on LinkedIn

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On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Mark Cupitt <markcup...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Maning, JOSM is a lot more productive for this work than ID. Cheers
>Mark Cupitt
>"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
>See me on LinkedIn
>See me on StackExchange
>The contents of this email are intended only for the individual(s) to whom it 
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>delete the email and any attachments.
>On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 12:19 PM, maning sambale <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> 
>Dear Mark,
>>In JOSM, you need to activate the remotecontrol plugin.  If you are able to 
>>load the data via Tasking Manager's "task" tab by clicking the JOSM button, 
>>then remotecontrol is activated.
>>Then in the task's  "workflow" tab, just click the imagery URL and the 
>>imagery layer should appear in JOSM.
>>On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Mark Cupitt <markcup...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Guys, Ive been using ID to try and assist, but I have decided I need to learn 
>>JOSM, I have been trying to get the tms layer to display in JOSM, but am only 
>>able to do so without the leading tms[50]: in the TMS url field
>>>Could someone take a minute to explain what this means as it is obviously 
>>>needed but I cannot get it to work. I do not want to be tagging something 
>>>Mark Cupitt
>>>"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
>>>See me on LinkedIn
>>>See me on StackExchange
>>>The contents of this email are intended only for the individual(s) to whom 
>>>it is addressed and may contain
>>>confidential or privileged information.  If you are not the intended 
>>>recipient, you must not disclose, copy, distribute,
>>>or use the contents of this email.  If you have received this email in 
>>>error, please notify the sender immediately and
>>>delete the email and any attachments.
>>>On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Banick, Robert 
>>><robert.ban...@redcross.org> wrote:
>>>Thanks for catching that Maning, I forgot to drop in "tms[50]:" at the
>>>>start of the imagery URL. Fixed now.
>>>>I'll work on uploading traces this afternoon (PHP time). Should have a
>>>>couple on the main roads.
>>>>Thanks to you!
>>>>Robert Banick | Field GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì
>>>>American Red Cross <http://www.redcross.org/>
>>>>2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>>>>Tel 202-303-5017 | Cell 202-805-3679 | Skype robert.banick
>>>>On 12/19/13 11:18 AM, "maning sambale" <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Dear Robert,
>>>>>Imagery is not loading for me in JOSM.  Error is:
>>>>>Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
>>>>>Also as you have been to Carles, I want to ask whether GPS traces were
>>>>>collected and if yes, can you upload them is
>>>>>OSM so that we can correct possible imagery shift.
>>>>>On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Banick, Robert
>>>>><robert.ban...@redcross.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>> Greetings from Manila.
>>>>>> As efforts to alleviate the damages from Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda in the
>>>>>> Philippines shift from response to recovery the need for detailed,
>>>>>> information about damages and recovery rates has become more pressing.
>>>>>> Agencies are still investing lots in mass-distribution style emergency
>>>>>> shelter relief but are already looking at the next stage of "supporting
>>>>>> self-recovery" activities and the eventual move towards permanent
>>>>>> solutions.
>>>>>> One of the more affected municipalities in Haiyan's path is Carles, on
>>>>>> Northeastern tip of Panay Island. Much like the islands of neighboring
>>>>>> municipality Estancia to the south, the exposed islands of Carles and
>>>>>> buildings along its shores were hit hard by the typhoon. Survivors are
>>>>>> an inspiring job of putting their lives in order and moving on but the
>>>>>> for assistance and support is still real. We've create a task to support
>>>>>> this process at: http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/392
>>>>>> To support that assistance process we'd like to assess the damages at a
>>>>>> building-by-building level. Our hope is to better target assistance
>>>>>>from aid
>>>>>> agencies in the area, track reconstruction progress at a building level
>>>>>> verify the accuracy of these assessments through OSM for future work.
>>>>>> Thanks to the continued generosity of the U.S. State Department, we've
>>>>>> able to procure post-disaster imagery for the municipality of Carles on
>>>>>> northeast tip of Panay Island. Please download the imagery into your
>>>>>> software of choice and be sure to insert the necessary tags to
>>>>>>recognize the
>>>>>> NextView license's part in the data so created.
>>>>>> Many thanks to all of you for your contributions and continued support.
>>>>>> cannot speak enough to how well received OSM is by government, NGOs and
>>>>>> companies alike here. This operation represents a huge leap forward in
>>>>>> of the credibility and recognition of OSM for disaster response
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>> Robert Banick | Field GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì
>>>>>> Red Cross
>>>>>> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>>>>>> Tel 202-303-5017 | Cell 202-805-3679 | Skype robert.banick
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> HOT mailing list
>>>>>> h...@openstreetmap.org
>>>>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
>>>>>"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
>>>>>wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
>>>>>blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
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>>"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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