Hi Erwin, these are just classifications, not tags. They will be used just
to determine what Icon to display. Osm Tags remain exactly as they are, but
some of the values are in Upper and lower case, hence why I had to convert
to do the comparisons.

The list has the VALUE of the tag, not the tag itself ..

I could do a By Tag, by Value, but it is a huge query to run, if that is of
value later on, I can do that. Right Now I am just trying to allocate Icons
to display on the OSMPH Map




Mark Cupitt

"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"

See me on Open StreetMap <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Mark_Cupitt>

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On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Erwin Olario <gov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good job Mark! Can you generate another without converting the tags to
> upper case? Technically, OSM is case-sensitive.
> *Erwin Olario*
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> » email: erwin@ 
> <er...@ngnuity.net>*n**GNU**it**y**.**net*<http://ngnuity.net/>
>  | gov...@gmail.com
> » mobile: (PHL): +63 908 817 2013 | (USA): +1 347 746 9461
> » OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93
> D56B
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Mark Cupitt <markcup...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dear All
>> I have analyzed the OSM POI database in Postgres from the Philippines OSM
>> Imports and have applied the following logic to determine unique POI's from
>> the OSM Philippines data (Nodes not associated with ways)
>> You guys all know the tagging scheme very well and I would appreciate it
>> if anyone can see any flaws in the logic or tags I have missed that should
>> be evaluated, please let me know.
>> Also, if anyone would be willing to help by assigning icons to to these
>> classifications using a spreadsheet, it would be of immense help. Please
>> contact me.
>> The idea is to classify each poi by a unique Identifier based on the
>> value of the tags in the database
>> classifications can then be associated to each unique identifier to
>> display on the map and thus a unique icon.
>> Consider this like a "Grouping of Similar Poi's"
>> (NOTE: Military, Bridges, Tunnels, Culverts, wetland, aeroway,
>> aerial_way, area, barrier, harbor will be handled on the base map, not as
>> POI's if possible)
>> (All tests are done on values converted to Upper Case with Lead and
>> Trailing Spaces stripped)
>> Unique Identifiers are determined by the following logic:
>> for all amenitiy tags that have a value and where shop tags do NOT have a
>> value - Save Value as a Classification
>> for all shop tags that are non null and have not already been classified
>> - Save Value as Classification
>> for all craft tags that are non null and have not already been classified
>> - Save Value as Classification
>> for all leisure tags that are non null and have not already been
>> classified - Save Value as Classification
>> for all place:ph tags that are non null and have not already been
>> classified - Save Value as Classification
>> for all place tags that are non null and have not already been classified
>> - Save Value as Classification
>> for all office tags that are non null and have not already been
>> classified - Save Value as Classification
>> for all tourism tags that are non null and have not already been
>> classified - Save Value as Classification
>> There are a total of 10,680,563 records in the POI database (Unique Nodes
>> with tags present) and this logic accounted for all of them
>> *The resultant list of unique Classification's in a spreadsheet can be
>> sen at (its interesting):*
>> *https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPztRTpJz3VmHdrcvYs2sOE_h7M0i9McVLZ0WY8-QMI/edit?usp=sharing
>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPztRTpJz3VmHdrcvYs2sOE_h7M0i9McVLZ0WY8-QMI/edit?usp=sharing>*
>> If you are SQL aware, the following sql statements were used (to make it
>> clearer to the Tech People)
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim(amenity)))) where amenity<>'' AND shop is null and
>> classification is null;
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification = (upper(ltrim(rtrim(shop))))
>> where ( shop <> '' or shop is not null ) and classification is null;
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim(craft)))) where classification is null and ( craft is
>> not null or craft <> '');
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim(leisure)))) where classification is null and ( leisure
>> is not null or leisure <> '');
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim('place:ph')))) where classification is null and (
>> 'place:ph' is not null or 'place:ph' <> '');
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim(place)))) where classification is null and ( place is
>> not null or place <> '');
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim(office)))) where classification is null and ( office is
>> not null or office <> '');
>>  update planet_osm_point set classification =
>> (upper(ltrim(rtrim(tourism)))) where classification is null and ( tourism
>> is not null or tourism <> '');
>> Regards
>> Mark Cupitt
>> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
>> See me on Open StreetMap <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Mark_Cupitt>
>> See me on LinkedIn <http://ph.linkedin.com/in/markcupitt>
>> *See me on StackExchange
>> <http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/17846/mark-c>*
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