On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Rally de Leon <rall...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I prefer one (1) center line for each group or class (less clutter) eg. 1
> for those prepaid auto-debit lanes, 1 for car/cash, 1 for trucks/PUB; maybe
> this can help the lane-assist feature in car navigation.

That would mean 9 lines for Cavitex
1. Cash (Class 1)
2. Exact Toll
3. Cash (any class)
4. EasyDrive
5. E-TAP and EasyDrive
6. E-TAP loading and cash
7. E-TAP and cash
8. Emergency and cash
9. Wide vehicles

Theoretically, we can still put information about various toll lanes even
with just a single center line using the ":lanes" tagging scheme:
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