I'm good on either dates, for now, at least.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016, 00:40 Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all. As you may know, OSMPH is currently collaborating with ADB for
> their RETA 8884 project that uses OSM as a platform for disaster resilience
> mapping: http://www.adb.org/projects/48333-001/main
> ADB wants the community to organize a whole-day mapathon to update the
> base map of Padre Burgos, Quezon and Santa Josefa, Agusan del Sur. ADB will
> provide the venue (at ADB HQ in Ortigas Center), electricity, Internet
> access, snacks, and lunch.
> The first decision that needs to be made is the date of the event. When
> are you guys available to attend this mapathon if you are interested: on
> October 8 or October 15 (both are Saturdays)?
> For those on Facebook, I have put up a poll:
> https://web.facebook.com/groups/osmph/permalink/330148820655836/
> ~Eugene
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