Call for scholarships for SotM-Asia 2017 is now open.

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From: kshitiz khanal <>
Date: Mon, May 8, 2017 at 1:05 PM
Subject: Call for scholarship applications to attend State of the Map Asia
To: Nama Budhathoki <>, Pradip Khatiwada <>

Dear OSM community member,
​We want to welcome you to State of the Map Asia 2017, which will be
organized in Kathmandu, Nepal on September 23 - 24, hosted by Kathmandu
Living Labs and OSM community of Nepal.

The event website is now live at:

A call for scholarships is now open. Please use this link
to apply.

Call to apply for scholarships to attend State of the Map Asia is now open.
Please fill this form to apply for receiving support to attend SotM Asia
2017. We can not guarantee that we can provide scholarships for all
applicants, but we are trying to gather resources for as many as possible.
The deadline for application is June 10, 2017.

We need your support to make this a successful event and help foster the
growth of OSM in Asia and beyond.

Please refer to the website for further details.

With best regards,

Kshitiz Khanal
Researcher, Open Data and OpenStreetMap
Kathmandu Living Labs​

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