Dear talk-ph mailing list,

the DWG has been contacted because of an edit war between the users
"TagaSanPedroAKo" and "rjamz26" in the greater Manila area.

It appears that "TagaSanPedroAKo" has embarked on a large road
reclassification project that started over a year ago. There was a
little discussion in a ticket created by TagaSanPedroAKo here

but not much interest. He has also explained his view of things in great
detail on the wiki on a page written exclusively by him

and he seems to generally approach this with a spirit of "this change is
necessary and correct and I know what I'm doing".

Now another user, rjamz26, has reverted some of TagaSanPedroAKo's edits
in the Manila area, and this has led to an edit war and I have blocked
both users and asked them to stop reclassifying roads until the matter
is settled.

The first thing I need to find out is if the edits made by
TagaSanPedroAKo are actually wanted by the Philippines OSM community, or
if they are the work of a "lone wolf" who is out of touch with what the
the others do. TagaSanPedroAKo certainly sounds very sure that he's
doing the right thing, but he wouldn't be the first person in OSM to be
doing "the right thing" against the wishes of almost everyone else!

If the local community thinks that TagaSanPedroAKo is going over board
with his reclassification projects, then I could revert these changes,
or I could make a list of these changes for the community to review.
(The total number of ways where the highway tag was changed by
TagaSanPedroAKo is about 4,200.) If, on the other hand, the community
agrees with the changes, then we should find out why rjamz26 has
reverted some of them, and ensure it doesn't happen again.

Any light you can shed on this is helpful.

Thank you

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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