About a week since I presented the first version of the proposed road
classifications and their correspondences, I looked back on the DPWH
documents that defines the road classifications for the Philippines, and
the previous road classes are rather like this:

*National primary road
**North-South Backbone
**East-West Laterals
**Other Roads of Strategic Importance
*National secondary road
*National tertiary road
*Provincial road
*City/municipal road
*Barangay road

Actually, the new classifications are fundamentally the same, except that
the subcategories of national primary roads have been reduced to two, based
on number allocation:

*Main routes (N1-N49)
*Other primary routes (N50-99)

Given that, I see that the present classification we have been using really
works fine, except that we need to better describe some classifications,
for these reasons:

* The primary category needs to be better defined, as it seems to have been
overused, and we should restrict this to some primary national roads, and
all secondary routes (perhaps except for N120, as part of AH26). We have
discussions back in 2009 to restrict the primary classification to national
roads, but it seems to have stalled.
* We might need to cut down the routes tagged as trunk, and I am
considering to have it used only on the primary routes (1-2) digits, with a
handful of exceptions

>From those points I made, I get into this modified proposal:

*Motorway - expressways
*Trunk - major primary national roads (1-2 digit routes), that connect
major cities and of strategic importance.
*Primary - less important national roads, secondary national roads (3-digit
*Secondary - provincial roads, and minor arterial roads in municipalities
*Tertiary - other roads that connect barangays with each other and the
secondary network
*Unclassified - other non-residential rural roads, such as those serving as
the only connection to an isolated sitio/purok or barangay
*Residential - residential streets

*Motorway - expressways
*Trunk - major through route through a city or metropolitan area, usually a
primary national road (e.g. EDSA), all of Route 120 (as western alternate
alignment of AH26 through Metro Manila)
*Primary - other major urban routes, usually a secondary national road.
*Secondary - minor urban arteries, connects 3 or more barangays or
districts, and not a numbered national road
*Tertiary -
**collector roads inside barangays or districts, usually narrow and with
traffic calming features (meandering alignments, humps, low speeds)
**other roads connecting barangays and districts with each other and the
secondary network. Usually non-contiguous, and has the same characteristics
as mentioned above.
*Unclassified - non-residential street that does not fit the tertiary
*Residential - residential streets wide enough for cars

In addition, we should remove the living street classification, as
Philippine traffic law has no equivalent to it, and better retag those
according to the mapper's judgment.

We haven't began any discussions about this since I presented the first
proposal, so we need to get through this.
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