After around 3 weeks of some discussion in GitHub about redefining road
classifications for the Philippines, I came by a polished proposal, which
can be summarized as:

   - Motorway - expressways. Implies legal traffic restrictions under the
   Limited Access Highway Act. Implied speeds: 100 (maximum), 80 (maximum for
   trucks and buses), 60 (minimum)
   - Trunk - major national transportation backbone routes connecting key
   cities; expressway segments where not grade-separated, implied legal
   traffic restrictions do not apply (e.g. motorcycles below 400cc explicitly
   permitted). Typical speeds: 80 (rural), 60 (urban)
   - Primary - (rural) roads of regional importance, connecting large
   municipalities and other cities with each other and the trunk network.
   Usually a secondary national road, or 3-digit route; (urban) major
   arteries, usually secondary national roads. Typical speeds: 80 (rural), 60
   (urban divided or multilane undivided), 40 (urban two-lane)
   - Secondary - (rural) roads that connect smaller municipalities with
   each other and the primary network, or roads that connects cities and
   municipalities with each other without traversing the primary or trunk
   networks: (urban) minor arteries, usually those that connects 3+ barangays
   or city districts. Typical speeds: 60 (rural), 40 (urban)
   - Tertiary - (rural) roads that connects other barangays with each other
   and the secondary roads; (urban) collector roads or major local streets,
   usually within 1 or between 2 barangays or city districts. Typical speeds:
   40 (rural), 30 (urban). Usually follows more winding alignments and have
   traffic calming measures to discourage through traffic.
   - Unclassified - (rural) minor roads which neither fit any of the
   classes above and residential; (urban) minor mixed-use or non-residential
   road. Speed: 30 (rural), 20 (urban)
   - Residential - roads specifically used to access houses. Speeds: 20, 30
   (in some places where streets have sidewalks. must be indicated by signage)
   - Service - unnamed access roads around buildings or private property,
   parking lot roads, long private driveways, drive-thru lanes. Typical
   speeds: 10-20 km/h
   - Living street (considered for dropping, but there is some consensus to
   keep it, however with a narrower definition that better reflects the
   reality since the road clearing operations that make a redefinition
   necessary) - narrow streets where two-way traffic cannot pass smoothly, and
   vehicles must travel very slowly, approximately at the same speed as

The proposal largely borrows some of the principles that are used on the
road classification guidelines for Canada and Australia, such as functional
types, but with adaptations to the Philippine context.

The main goals of the revised road classifications are to distinguish
between urban and rural roads (which the existing classification system
have failed to do due to its apparent bias toward urban roads), improve
routing by creating a general road hierarchy, and at a lesser extent,
reflect the official road classification (which now includes functional
info since around 2014, but for OpenStreetMap purposes, just one criterion
to consider the correct classification of some roads). In the previous
guideline, I see the definition of the primary classification as too broad,
and in regards to towns served, a primary should better serve the largest
ones, usually a regional economic or tourist center.

Since some roads lie in a gray area in OSM's road classification system,
there is a set of criteria that are useful when to consider a change in
classification of a certain road or road section. In general, the
functional type is the most important determinant of the OSM road
classification, but some other criteria can also influence it.:

* Functional type (controlled-access highway/major transportation
backbone/regional highway/major artery/local highway/minor
artery/collector/local road) - can be determined through usual traffic
* Official classification (Expressway/National Primary Road/National
Secondary Road/National Tertiary Road/Provincial Road/others)
* Size (two-lane undivided, multilane undivided, divided)
* Speed (higher speeds = consider upgrading, lower speeds = consider
downgrading. Generally useful when to distinguish between secondary and
tertiary, or tertiary or unclassified/residential.)

Since the most important details of the proposal are provided, it is time
now for anyone to provide any further comments and discussion just before
this can be published on the Philippine mapping guidelines at the wiki.

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