I love Hydda Full, but today it stopped working for me.

for instance, http://scorecard.mdlcv.org

When I move to Carto Positron, I miss the blue ocean, and when I move to
some others, the roads outside of Maryland attract too much attention.
Also, any of the pale basemaps don't let people to zoom in and see some
roads underlying the semi-transparent state. (Viewing the roads is helpful
for folks who want to know where the district boundaries are.)

I'm sorry, I don't speak a word of Swedish, but Hydda Full has been my joy,
until today.

Is there a way to restore Hydda Full? Or is there a way to style something
else to make it look like Hydda Full?



P.S. looks like it's even down at http://openstreetmap.se... for a second a
few tiles loaded, but now I just have grey where the map would be...

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