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From: Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 1:27 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Test Import of forum.osm.org to community.osm.org
To: Talk Openstreetmap <t...@openstreetmap.org>

Hi OSM Talk,

In the near future we will be moving the old forum.osm.org content to

If you used the old forum, please login to the test import site
https://forum-import-test.openstreetmap.org/ to check your old posts.

The imported content is at the bottom half of the test import site.
The database snapshot used for the test is from 02 Feb 2023.

The old forum has 847000+ posts by 35000+ users in 91 categories. The
longest thread has 14700+ posts!
The old forum used fluxbb bbcode markdown, while
community.openstreetmap.org uses discourse's flavour of markdown.
The import markdown conversion can never be 100%, but it now appears
to have reached "good enough".

We heavily extended the original fluxbb discourse importer with
additional features:
* Significantly improved fluxbb bbcode -> discourse markdown
converter, including fixes.
* Added Permalink support (To test for now use old forum url path +
parameters on forum-import-test.openstreetmap.org)
* OSM specific old forum to community account merging allowing
seamless login using osm.org account oauth flow.
* Added unit tests

We are trying to contribute the improvements upstream where appropriate.

There will also be a few tasks the forum governance team will be
responsible for post final import, notably:
* Manually merge duplicate categories (eg: country categories)
* Mark old abandoned categories as read-only.
* Manually merge duplicate users where the importer did not
automatically merge (very limited cases).

Big thank you to Harry Wood, Tom Hughes and others who have helped
write code, fix bugs or assisted in other ways.

Kind regards,

Part of the OpenStreetMap Ops Team

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