Dammit. Once again I replied to the original author only, this morning. :(
here is what I wrote...

Hi Brian.

Brian Prangle wrote:
> We discussed at our West Mids meeting last night the best way forward. Here
> is what we would like to see happen:

These are some good ideas, I believe.

> 2. If it's easy to code,  generate ways between related nodes for things
> like plusbus zones, stopareas etc. We didn't discuss however how to tag
> these, so I guess just leave them untagged. If it's going to be difficult
> and slow down the implementation, then ignore it and just import the nodes
> and we'll have to generate ways manually.

Can you please clarify this?

>From your words I assume that NAPtaN groups stop elements by drawing a
perimeter around them? Or connect them all with ways?
If that is the case I oppose the physical marking you seem to suggest
and would rather group them logical by means of a relation. OSM does
have the necessary data models for that, which NAPtaN seems lacking.
The conversion would be something like: If element is withing boundaries
in NAPTaN, they will become members of the stop_area-relation.

If I misunderstood, please ignore :)


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