"Andy Robinson \(blackadder-lists\)" 
<> wrote:

> Brian Prangle [] wrote:
>>Sent: 01 July 2009 5:22 PM
>>To: Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
>>Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Bus operator references
>>You need to get up to date! ;-)

> It's not me that needs to get up to date then ;-) it's the Network West
> Midlands (aka Centro in this case) Website. For example:


> Operator details are at the bottom and the version 3 is dated May 09.

> I was hoping our Transport friends might be able to enlighten us.

It would be a full time job to adjust the codes for every take over 
and rebranding.  So where codes are well known by the public they tend 
to remain in use for some time.  I think we will soon have a new code 
for NXEC!

Peter J Stoner
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