The NPTG viewer and the Novam tools are not working at the moment
because a server update went wrong. So, don't be surprised when you see
a "500 - Internal Server Error". I'll try to sort it out tonight.


Christoph Böhme <> schrieb:

> Hi all,
> I uploaded a new version of the NPTG-Viewer. It now displays matching
> localities in the OSM and NPTG datasets and also highlights a number
> of tagging errors and duplicate nodes. It is also possible to hide
> localities which are not existing on the ground or which are not
> places.
> Additionally to the old url the NPTG-Viewer can now be found on:
> I think the tool is handy to find places which are not yet mapped. It
> may also be helpful to spot spelling errors.
> There is one issue with genitives being spelled with apostrophes in
> NPTG but without in OSM (e.g. Kings Heath in Birmingham).
> Cheers,
> Christoph
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