Roger Slevin wrote:



I can confirm that the Department for Transport would be supportive of any way in which we (and the local editors who maintain NaPTAN data as best they can) can get the feedback from OSM contributions to improve data accuracy.  I will be happy to discuss how best this can be done – but I suggest that you and others on this list are much better placed to propose a method that works within the framework of OSM.




I have reported the faults I have found via the professional service we run for the DfT for the purpose ( I suggest that the DfT/Traveline might consider making this interface available to OSM mapping people to do the same or opening up a public version.


It will be useful in time to run a comparison between the current NaPTAN and the current OSM and produce reports of where they are diverging. We would need the permission of the department to take a cut of the NaPTAN data before each run but I think they would be supportive.


Sorry for the last post - finger trouble.

So it seems that feeding back to NaPTAN would be good since they are interested in these improvements.  As such we need to find all of the differences, including position changes.  This still leaves us with the question: do we amend the naptan: tags or add our own to show the changes?  What did the West Midlands guys do?

Cheers, Chris
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