When I tag bus stops with multiple operators I add the operator name to the
route_ref.  In the above example of HART and USF I would tag the stop as:


I always include route information in my bus stop tagging.  I think it is
more than just placeholder information.  For instance, an application
showing bus stops on a map should allow you to hover over the stop and see
which routes it serves.  If the stop doesn't include this data within its
tags then you have to search through all the relations too get that data.
Its simpler if the data is already in the bus stop node.

Also, if you're trying to build a map of the system from the ground up
instead of using an import (say, if the city in question didn't release its
GTFS feed under an appropriate license) then its really a necessity to tag
the stops completely to allow someone else creating the relation later to
know which stops to include.

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