Michał Borsuk schrieb:
> I agree with your arguments. Then "former"?

"former" is a little bit non-specific.
A disused or abandoned railway may also be called "former"

"Disappeared" cannot be used, because it implies that the railway just rolled itself and went home for Feierabend. Or a UFO took it one night.

For real railway fans only an UFO can explain why someone can
have the absurd idea to remove any rail ;-)

In times when discarded metall ist valuable enough also other
explainations will exists ...

I don't like "levelled" for another reason: it is a word that is not easily understood for those "English-challenged", that is beginners. It's not a word that easily translates into other languages. For this I would propose "removed". (Then it does not contrast with "dismantled" very much, but frankly I am getting lost in those distinctions).

Better than "levelled" might be the words "converted" or "transformed"?
converted/transformed to farmland/residential areas/village green/...
including filling of cuttings and removing embankments ...

"removed" might also be ok if it is clear enough, that the whole
way incl. cutt./emb. is removed, not only the rails?

- proposed/planned
- construction
- ()
- disused
- abandonded
- removed/dismantled/former (if there really is a difference)

dismantled is seldomely in use an I think similar to abandoned

- [*=bike path]

If I found a cycleway as former railway I just gave both tags:
cycleway and abandoned railway.
Might be I change them to the new word ...
If the cycleway uses the old railway gravel under the waterbound
macadam a little bit of railway still exists ;-)


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