On 12/10/2010 01:45 AM, Richard Mann wrote:
highway=bus_stop on a node next to a road
railway=tram_stop on a node on railway=tram
railway=platform on a node or way or area next to the tram tracks

This is how you are using it.
It is inconsistent.
It is incomplete.
It is historic.

Beside your opinion there exist other, better schema that are _in use_:
- Oxomoa (draft)
- Public Transport (proposal)
- unified stoparea (proposal)
- stop place (proposal)
- several variations of the four listed schema.

If we go on waiting to approve one of them, the number of ideas and proposals will grow and the variations of them will increase too. This is not what OSM is designed for. OSM is useless if everyone makes it different.


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