Thank you all for this great input!

On 01/11/16 00:02, Greg Troxel wrote:
> "Roger Slevin" <> writes:
>> I have watched this debate over the years - and I keep coming back to
>> what I think is a key question for the OSM community ... if there is
>> an existing robust standard for public transport information, then is
>> it really worth trying to add to OSM a different standard (or set of
>> terms) for that information?  If so, can you afford to be less precise
>> in your terminology than that defined over many, many years of work in
>> Transmodel?  The same issue was faced by GTFS many years ago and, for
>> better or worse, the decision was taken by the GTFS community to go
>> ahead with a separate standard.  But whilst GTFS is not underpinned by
>> the Transmodel standard, many aspects of it have taken the Transmodel
>> reference data model into account.  GTFS is not as comprehensive, I
>> suggest, as Transmodel - and it is an implementation standard and not
>> a reference data model.
> I agree in general - OSM has too much making up of schemas rather than
> studying the schemas which have been developed in the various
> professional communities.
> Overall, though, I am wondering if this discussion is about identifiers
> to use in source code, or is about some user-facing aspect of the
> program or something else.   I would advocate picking a well-established
> set of terms (transmodel seems like a good fit, even though I know
> zero about it) and just use that.   The key is defining the terms so
> that people can understand them.

Personally, the initial question was about the use in code, but making
also the code as readable as possible. Generally I think the whole
discussion is good and interesting even without looking too much on my
specific use case

The transmodel standard is good information and even it introduces
another naming convention (besides OSM and GTFS) it seems to be the best
thought-threw definition (with some awkward terms however :) )

With all this input I will make my head around and see how I name my
classes for the osm2gtfs script:

Thank you!

On 31/10/16 19:05, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> For those not familiar with Transmodel, can you either explain what
> its terms are for the concepts in question and/or point us to
> resources that do?

I found this PDF on transmodel's definitions and concepts useful:

* LINE: A group of ROUTEs which is generally known to the public by a
similar name or number
* ROUTE: An ordered list of located POINTs defining one single path
through the road (or rail) network. A ROUTE may pass through the same
POINT more than once.
POINTs on a single ROUTE, describing the pattern of working for public
transport vehicles.A JOURNEY PATTERN may pass through the same POINT
more than once. The first point of a JOURNEY PATTERN is the origin. The
last point is the destination.
* VEHICE JOURNEY: The planned movement of a public transport vehicle on
a DAY TYPE from the start point to the end point of a JOURNEY PATTERN on
a specified ROUTE.

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