On 29-04-19 16:58, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
The route and route_master relations have a documented "colour" key that can be used.  However, that seems to be intended for the line itself, and I'm not aware of any renderer that uses it.  If they did, they'd probably use it for the label background too.

Relation:destination_sign has attributes colour:back and colour:text, so it makes sense to reuse those here, but if renderers aren't even using colour for the line/label today, I wouldn't count on them doing anything special with the text either.

OSMand (openstreetmap for Android) does render colour for subway lines, and it renders de coulours in line labels for bus lines.

For e.g. https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/297293I have used colour=#0000ff (both in the route and route_master) and it renders good on OSMand.

Keeping in line with other tagging schemes I would use "Colour" for the colour of the line (on maps etc), ref:colour for the colour of the text, and if necessary: ref:colour_tx for reference text colour and ref_colour_bg for reference background colour as per <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref:colour>

(In your example I can see e.g. the 22/34/40 being Lime/Blue/Bordeaux as "colour", having white as colour:ref, but N1, N2, N7 would have green, pink, yellow as colour, having those as colour:ref as well, but black as colour_bg.

I have no idea what the line colour of the TR line will be though. Black? White? :-)

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