On Sun, 12 May 2019 at 20:55, Tijmen Stam <mailingli...@iivq.net> wrote:
> a "public_transport=platform" is not defined as being "platform" (raised
> good concrete flooring) but as "the place where people wait to board a
> bus/tram/train". Whatever form that is.

That's a contradiction of the PTv2 scheme: it says that
public_transport=platform is the waiting area, but also says that
highway=platform/railway=platform (which mean a physical object) is
equivalent to public_transport=platform.

How to tag the physical object (raised structure) in PTv2 then? And
how to tag extra platforms that are usually not operated, but only in
case of special events or diversions?

This is why i think we need two tags: one for the virtual object
"waiting area of a stop" and one for the physical object "platform"
(raised structure). In PTv1 we already have that, the only drawback is
that the logical object highway=bus_stop/railway=tram_stop cannot be
mapped on the same area as the physical object
highway=platform/railway=platform (as they use the same key).
Therefore my idea with a new public_transport=stop tag that can be
combined with highway=platform/railway=platform.

> > railway=platform implies no such thing. It represents a physical object,
> > nothing more, nothing less.
> What physical object?
> What if there is a railway station that has no raised platform but where
> one just alights into the trackbed? What physical object is there?
> e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padag_Road_railway_station
> The sand there is the "place where people wait to board", which could be
> mapped as railway=platform or public_transport is platform, but not in
> YOUR view, as there is no physical "platform", no raised object.

It should definitely not be mapped as railway=platform, as this tag
means a real platform, that is, a raised structure. Besides, it's not
possible to draw a verifiable waiting area in case there is no raised
or in any other way bordered area.



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