Mar 18, 2020, 15:44 by

> Well, the city website claims it's CC-BY (version not specified), but I
> believe all GTFS feeds are free to use, as it is a requirement of the
> spec, no?
Even if that is requirement of the spec (not confirming this!), it
is possible that they published it in violation of that rule.

Or that rule may not exists.

Note also "free to use" is not enough, it is also necessary that (for example)
unlimited and unrestricted modification and distribution is also allowed.

> I remember reading it a few months ago that there was no restriction of
> use for GTFS feeds
I am pretty sure that it is not true.

> , but I couldn't find it right now. I guess I'll need
> to send an email asking for permission to use the data.
Good idea, maybe it is published on license allowing
OSM use.
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